Cardio Respiratory Physiotherapy

Cardio Respiratory Physiotherapy

The Department of CardioRespiratory Physiotherapy impart knowledge to the Undergraduate and postgraduate students. The department offers students, the opportunity to extend their understanding of key areas in Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy, integrate the advanced clinical, academic and research components of cardiorespiratory physiotherapy practice. Students learn about new and emerging treatment options by various CME, workshops, seminar, Journal club and case discussions organised by the department time to time. The department also promotes research activities among students and they are guided for the, writing and publication of the research work.

Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy uses a patient-centered model of care with multi-system assessment, evidence based interventions and a significant patient education component to promote healthy active lifestyle and community-based living. The post graduate students are posted to various Intensive Care Unit’s, wards, OPD’s in the hospitals to get the clinical exposure pertinent to Cardiovascular and Respiratory Physiotherapy like Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pulmonary Rehabilitation etc.

Departmental Objectives

1. To provide quality education and clinical skills to the students for becoming efficient cardio respiratory physiotherapist.

2. To Plan, prescribe appropriate, safe physiotherapy interventions with clinical reasoning.

3. To execute all routine physiotherapeutic procedures with clinical reasoning & evidence based practice.

4. To plan and implement need based physiotherapy interventions for all clinical conditions related to respective speciality in acute, chronic cases, critical care, independent practice including health promotion and prevention.

5. To Utilise the skill to deliver cardiac, pulmonary & vascular rehabilitation

6. To Develop behavioural skills and humanitarian approach while communicating with patients, relatives, society at large and co-professionals

7. To promote and conduct various research activities / project.

Departmental Faculty Profile


Dr. Vaibhav M. Kapre
MPT Professor 11/03/2013

Dr. Santosh P. Dobhal
MPT Associate Professor 05/09/2014

Dr. Abhishek S. Mishra
MPT Assistant Professor 28/10/2020

Dr. Vibhuti Tiwari
MPT Assistant Professor

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